List of Vanilla Event IDs

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For anyone who needs to reference a vanilla event but doesn't want to dig through the Events folder for the umpteenth time.

Grouped by Location

Event ID Event Description
Location: Alex's House
18 George's 6 heart event: he tells the farmer about his accident in the mines.
19 Evelyn's 4 heart event: she bakes cookies for the farmer.
21 Alex's 5 heart event: he discusses books and his worries.
2119820 Alex's 6 heart event: he reflects and apologises to the farmer.
56 Harvey's 2 heart event: he advises George on his health.
5837189 Completion of Evelyn's leek quest.
Location: Backwoods
6963327 Abigail's 14 heart event: she saves the farmer from a wilderness golem.
Location: Beach
13 Haley's 6 heart event: the farmerhelps her find a lost bracelet.
20 Alex's 2 heart event: he throws a gridball around with the farmer.
288847 Alex's 8 heart event: the farmer finds him with a music box and he tells them about his mother.
29 Sebastian's 8 heart event: he invites the farmer to stand under his umbrella on the dock.
43 Elliott's 10 heart event: after finishing his book, he invites the farmer to come rowing with him.
733330 Sam's 3 heart event: in Year 1, he and Vincent discuss Kent's return and the situation in Gotoro.
739330 Willy's introduction event where he gives the farmer a fishing rod.
711130 Willy's 6 heart event: his shop is overrun by crabs and Gus purchases them.
7771191 Krobus's 14 heart event: he goes for a ride with a sea monster.
3131209 Completion of Willy's bug meat quest.
Location: Bus Stop
60367 Part of the introduction event. After the farmer arrives in Pelican Town, Robin and Lewis show them to their new farmhouse.
4081148 Sam's 8 heart event: he, Abigail, Sebastian, and the farmer head into Zuzu City to play a gig.
9581348 Shane's 10 heart event: he invites the farmer to come watch a gridball game with him.
Location: Cindersap Forest
14 Haley's 8 heart event: she visits Marnie's ranch and takes photos of the cows.
52 Leah's 6 heart event: the farmer catches her falling from a tree.
54 Leah's 10 heart event: she and the farmer have a picnic which is interrupted by Kel.
181928 Penny's 8 heart event: she asks the farmer to be a guest speaker for the children's field trip.
318560 Jas and Vincent explore the sewer entrance.
611944 Shane's 2 heart event: he offers the farmer a drink while sitting on the lake dock.
3910975 Shane's 6 heart event: he has a breakdown on the cliff's edge.
3910979 Jas and Vincent pick spring onions.
3091462 Leah's 14 heart event: she and the farmer paint Marnie's portrait.
Location: Clinic
7 Maru's 4 heart event: she accidentally breaks a medical sample.
57 Harvey's 4 heart event: he gives the farmer a medical examination and takes their pulse.
571102 Harvey's 8 heart event: he contacts a pilot on his radio.
Location: Caroline's Sunroom
719926 Caroline's 2 heart event: she relaxes and makes a cup of tea for the farmer.
Location: Elliott's House
39 Elliott's 2 heart event: he talks about wanting to become an author and ask the farmer what books they like.
423502 Elliott's 6 heart event: he plays the piano for the farmer.
Location: Farm
2146991 The candles on Grandpa's shrine light up.
5 Follow-up to Abigail's 8 heart event: she apologises for what happened during her 8 heart event.
47 Set-up for Sam's 8 heart event: he tells the farmer about the gig and when & where to meet.
55 Set-up for Leah's 8 heart event (art show): she tells the farmer about the art show and when & where to meet.
63 Kent returns to the valley and introduces himself to the farmer.
992553 Clint gives the farmer blueprints for a furnace.
900553 Evelyn gives the farmer a garden pot and the crafting recipe for it.
992253 Leah's 6 heart event: she gives the farmer a sculpture she made for them.
65 Demetrius asks the farmer whether they'd like a mushroom cave or a fruit bat cave.
690006 Marlon gives the farmer a slime egg and tells them about slime breeding.
1590166 Marnie asks the farmer if they'd like to adopt a cat.
897405 Marnie asks the farmer if they'd like to adopt a dog.
91 Marnie asks the farmer to bring a cave carrot for her goats.
93 Jodi asks the farmer to bring a largemouth bass for dinner.
102 Pierre tells the farmer he'll be selling new seeds in Year 2.
2118991 Follow-up to Shane's 6 heart event: he apologises for what happened and tells the farmer he's started therapy.
2128292 Set-up for Shane's 10 heart event: he tells the farmer about the gridball game and when & where to meet.
3917587 Set-up for Alex's 14 heart event (part 1): he asks the farmer for 5,000g for a secret project.
3917600 Set-up for Emily's 14 heart event: she asks the farmer to bring her 200 pieces of fiber for a secret project.
3911124 Set-up for Leah's 14 heart event: she tells the farmer about the painting session and when & where to meet.
3912125 Elliott's 14 heart event: he tells the farmer about his upcoming book tour.
992559 Emily gives the farmer access to her sewing machine for tailoring. A variation with the same ID plays when the farmer is married to Emily.
980558 Gus's 5 heart event: he gives the farmer a Mini-Jukebox and the crafting recipe for it.
Location: Farmhouse
558291 Grandpa returns and evaluates the farmer's progress.
558292 After the farmer summons him, Grandpa returns and re-evaluates the farmer's progress.
3917601 Emily's 14 heart event: she gives the farmer a custom set of clothing that she's made for them.
3918600 Sam's 14 heart event (part 1): he tells the farmer he's going to look for a job with music.
3918601 Sam's 14 heart event (part 2): he receives a job offer for a children's TV show composer.
3918602 Sam's 14 heart event (part 3): he comes around to the idea of doing kids' music.
3918603 Sam's 14 heart event (part 4): he, Jas, and Vincent watch the show with his music.
3917666 Set-up for Maru's 14 heart event: she tells the farmer about the comet and when & where to meet.
3912132 Follow-up to Elliott's 14 heart event: he returns back home.
3917626 Harvey's 14 heart event: he prepares a home-cooked dinner for the farmer.
4325434 Set-up for Penny's 14 heart event: she tells the farmer about her plans to remodel the bedroom and asks what style they like.
4324303 Penny's 14 heart event: she remodels the farmhouse's bedroom.
8675611 Set-up for Haley's 14 heart event (part 2): she tells the farmer about the cakewalk, when & where to meet, and to bring a cake.
9333220 Sebastian's 14 heart event (part 2): he shows the farmer the frog terrarium he set up.
Location: Haley & Emily's House
11 Haley's 2 heart event: she and Emily argue over cleaning under the couch cushions.
12 Haley's 4 heart event: she has trouble opening a jar of pickles.
15 Haley's 10 heart event: she invites the farmer to see her dark room.
471942 Emily's 2 heart event: she has a dream vision about the farmer.
917409 Emily's 6 heart event: she shows the farmer her dancing.
195019 With a rabbit's foot in hand, the bachelorettes gossip about Lewis and Marnie.
195012 The bachelorettes confront the farmer about dating all of the girls.
150938 Completion of Emily's gemstone quest.
Location: Island Hut
1039573 Leo's introduction event.
Location: Island West
6497423 Leo's 2 heart event: he discusses his life in comparison with the farmer's.
Location: Island North
6497421 Leo's 4 heart event: he contemplates what 'normal' is.
Location: Island South
6497428 Leo's 6 heart event: Linus invites him to come live in Pelican Town with him.
Location: Leah's House
50 Leah's 2 heart event: she shows the farmer her sculptures.
51 Leah's 4 heart event: she tells the farmer about Kel and asks whether she should have an art show or an internet shop.
584059 Leah's 8 heart event (internet shop): the internet shop is a big success thanks to 'Mr K'.
Location: Lewis's House
2123243 Emily's 8 heart event: she runs a Clothing Therapy session.
Location: Marnie's Ranch
92 Completion of Marnie's cave carrot quest.
3910674 Shane's 4 heart event: he's passed out in his room and is found by Marnie and the farmer.
3910974 Shane's 7 heart event: he's cut back on beer and buys Jas the bunny-jewel slippers.
3900074 Shane's 8 heart event: he shows the farmer his blue chickens.
Location: Mines
901756 Abigail's 10 heart event: she tries to explore the mines, but gets scared.
100162 Marlon introduces himself and gives the farmer a sword.
Location: Mountain
2 Abigail's 4 heart event: she plays her flute in the rain.
8 Maru's 6 heart event: she goes stargazing with her telescope.
26 Linus's 4 heart event: he teaches the farmer to make wild bait.
384883 Sebastian's 4 heart event: he works on his motorbike in the garage.
384882 Sebastian's 10 heart event: he takes the farmer on his motorbike to see Zuzu City in the distance.
404798 Willy gives the farmer the copper pan.
371652 Linus's 8 heart event: Robin offers to build him a house and he explains his philosophy on life.
5183338 Maru's 14 heart event: she watches the comet with the farmer.
9333219 Sebastian's 14 heart event (part 1): he catches an injured frog with the farmer's help.
8357109 Completion of Linus's trash quest.
8959199 Leo's 9 heart event: a montage of him settling into life in the Valley.
Location: Museum
1848481 Elliott's 8 heart event: he performs a reading of his new novel.
0 After donating an artifact, Gunther asks the farmer to donate any others they find.
Location: Oasis
67 Sandy welcomes the farmer and celebrates the bus line running again.
Location: Pam & Penny's House
503180 Pam's 9 heart event: she shows the farmer her Sign of the Vessel statue and talks about happiness.
Location: Pam & Penny's Trailer
35 Penny's 4 heart event: she and the farmer clean the trailer and Pam argues with her about it.
36 Penny's 6 heart event: she tries cooking for the farmer.
36 Completion of Pam's potato juice quest.
Location: Pierre's General Store
1 Abigail's 2 heart event: she asks the farmer to play Journey of the Prairie King with her.
3 Abigail's 8 heart event: she brings out a spirit board, which starts to spell something.
16 Pierre's 6 heart event: the farmer discovers Pierre's secret stash.
17 Caroline's 6 heart event: she argues with Abigail about expectations.
58 Harvey's 6 heart event: he joins the aerobics club for exercise.
3102768 Morris offers 50% off coupons to steal Pierre's customers.
963113 Completion of Pierre's gold-quality vegetables quest.
Location: Qi's Nut Room
10040609 Qi congratulates the farmer on finding all the golden walnuts and discovering the hidden room.
Location: Railroad
528052 Harvey's 10 heart event: he faces his fear and takes the farmer on a hot air balloon.
529952 The Wizard tells the farmer about his ex-wife and asks them to get magic ink for him.
Location: Robin's Carpenter Shop
6 Maru's 2 heart event: she helps Demetrius with testing some samples.
9 Maru's 8 heart event: she demonstrates her latest project and accidentally zaps the farmer.
25 Demetrius's 6 heart event: he brings back tomatoes as fruit from the store.
33 Robin's 6 heart event: she teaches the farmer how to make a flute block and drum block.
10 Maru's 10 heart event: she finishes her work on MarILDA, who leaves for space.
1053978 Completion of Robin's hardwood quest.
Location: Sam's House
94 Completion of Jodi's largemouth bass quest.
95 Completion of Jodi's largemouth bass quest. Variation if Kent has returned.
44 Sam's 2 heart event: he plays music with the band and asks the farmer what sort of music they like.
46 Sam's 4 heart event: he drops an egg in the process of making a snack.
100 Kent's 3 heart event: he has a flashback to Gotoro when Jodi makes popcorn.
Location: Sebastian's Room
2794460 Sebastian's 2 heart event: Robin interrupts him while he's programming.
27 Sebastian's 6 heart event: he and Sam invite the farmer to play Solarion Chronicles with them.
Location: Secret Woods
2123343 Emily's 10 heart event: she and the farmer go camping and are surprised by a bear.
2120303 The bear teaches the farmer special knowledge about the forest.
Location: Sewers
691039 Dwarf's 1 heart event: they and Krobus fight over their history with the Elemental Wars until the Wizard interrupts.
Location: Spa Pool
38 Penny's 10 heart event: she asks the farmer to come swimming with her in the spa pool at night.
Location: Stardrop Saloon
40 Elliott's 4 heart event: he buys the farmer a drink and proposes a toast.
96 Gus's 4 heart event: he asks for help with getting Pam to pay her tab.
97 Clint's 3 heart event: he asks the farmer for advice about talking to Emily.
911526 Alex's 10 heart event: he takes the farmer on a dinner date.
195099 With a rabbit's foot in hand, the bachelors have a pool tournament.
195013 The bachelors confront the farmer about dating all of the boys.
3917590 Alex's 14 heart event: he sets up the saloon's backroom as a TV den for watching gridball
3206194 Completion of Gus's egg quest.
Location: Town
4 Abigail's 6 heart event: she argues with Pierre about wanting to be an adventurer.
831125 Shane's 7 heart event: with Emily and Clint's help, he films an ad for Joja Bluu.
2481135 Alex's 4 heart event: he tells the farmer about his father and shows them his dog Dusty.
34 Penny's 2 heart event: she tries to help George reach the mail by getting it for him.
45 Sam's 6 heart event: he skateboards outside Emily and Haley's house and argues with Lewis about it.
53 Leah's 8 heart event (art show): she hosts her art show in the town square.
639373 Lewis and Marnie's 6 heart event: the farmer finds out about their secret relationship.
101 Clint's 6 heart event: he asks Emily out on a date.
233104 Sam's 10 heart event: he and the farmer sneak into his room.
191393 Pierre rallies the town to drive out Morris and JojaMart.
502261 Morris gives a speech about how Joja has revitalised the town.
502969 Linus's 1 heart event: he goes looking for food in George's trash can and asks the farmer if it's wrong.
463391 Emily's 4 heart event: she finds an injured parrot and decides to care for it.
611173 Completion of Pam and Penny's house upgrade.
611173 Completion of Pam and Penny's house upgrade. A variation with the same ID plays when the farmer is married to Penny.
3917584 Shane's 14 heart event (part 1): he comes out of the saloon and Marnie and Jas are suspicious of his behaviour.
3917585 Shane's 14 heart event (part 2): he comes out of the saloon again and the farmer asks him if he's been drinking.
3917586 Shane's 14 heart event (part 3): he reveals that he's been playing at the arcade frequently and drinking Joja Cola.
3917589 Set-up for Alex's 14 heart event (part 2): the farmer is reminded to visit the saloon.
6184643 Set-up for Haley's 14 heart event (part 1): she overhears Jas, Vincent, and Penny talking about how their old schoolbooks are falling apart.
6184644 Haley's 14 heart event: she successfully hosts a cakewalk to raise money for Penny and the children.
15389722 Lewis and Robin reveal the special orders board.
Location: Willy's Boat
9348571 Willy shows the farmer his broken boat and asks if they'd like to help repair it.
Location: Wizard's Tower
112 The Wizard teaches the farmer about junimos and gives them the forest potion.
418172 Completion of the Wizard's magic ink quest.

Grouped by Character

Event ID Event Description Event Location
1 Abigail's 2 heart event: she asks the farmer to play Journey of the Prairie King with her. Pierre's General Store
2 Abigail's 4 heart event: she plays her flute in the rain. Mountain
4 Abigail's 6 heart event: she argues with Pierre about wanting to be an adventurer. Town
3 Abigail's 8 heart event: she brings out a spirit board, which starts to spell something. Pierre's General Store
5 Follow-up to Abigail's 8 heart event: she apologises for what happened during her 8 heart event. Farm
901756 Abigail's 10 heart event: she tries to explore the mines, but gets scared. Mines
6963327 Abigail's 14 heart event: she saves the farmer from a wilderness golem. Backwoods
20 Alex's 2 heart event: he throws a gridball around with the farmer. Beach
2481135 Alex's 4 heart event: he tells the farmer about his father and shows them his dog Dusty. Town
21 Alex's 5 heart event: he discusses books and his worries. Alex's House
2119820 Alex's 6 heart event: he reflects and apologises to the farmer. Alex's House
288847 Alex's 8 heart event: the farmer finds him with a music box and he tells them about his mother. Beach
911526 Alex's 10 heart event: he takes the farmer on a dinner date. Stardrop Saloon
3917587 Set-up for Alex's 14 heart event (part 1): he asks the farmer for 5,000g for a secret project. Farm
3917589 Set-up for Alex's 14 heart event (part 2): the farmer is reminded to visit the saloon. Town
3917590 Alex's 14 heart event: he sets up the saloon's backroom as a TV den for watching gridball Stardrop Saloon
719926 Caroline's 2 heart event: she relaxes and makes a cup of tea for the farmer. Caroline's Sunroom
17 Caroline's 6 heart event: she argues with Abigail about expectations. Pierre's General Store
97 Clint's 3 heart event: he asks the farmer for advice about talking to Emily. Town
101 Clint's 6 heart event: he asks Emily out on a date. Town
992553 Clint gives the farmer blueprints for a furnace. Farm
25 Demetrius's 6 heart event: he brings back tomatoes as fruit from the store. Robin's Carpentry Shop
65 Demetrius asks the farmer whether they'd like a mushroom cave or a fruit bat cave. Farm
691039 Dwarf's 1 heart event: they and Krobus fight over their history with the Elemental Wars until the Wizard interrupts.
39 Elliott's 2 heart event: he talks about wanting to become an author and ask the farmer what books they like. Elliott's House
40 Elliott's 4 heart event: he buys the farmer a drink and proposes a toast. Stardrop Saloon
423502 Elliott's 6 heart event: he plays the piano for the farmer. Elliott's House
1848481 Elliott's 8 heart event: he performs a reading of his new novel. Museum
43 Elliott's 10 heart event: after finishing his book, he invites the farmer to come rowing with him. Beach
3912125 Elliott's 14 heart event: he tells the farmer about his upcoming book tour. Farm
3912132 Follow-up to Elliott's 14 heart event: he returns back home. Farmhouse
471942 Emily's 2 heart event: she has a dream vision about the farmer. Haley & Emily's House
463391 Emily's 4 heart event: she finds an injured parrot and decides to care for it. Town
917409 Emily's 6 heart event: she shows the farmer her dancing. Haley & Emily's House
2123243 Emily's 8 heart event: she runs a Clothing Therapy session. Lewis's House
2123343 Emily's 10 heart event: she and the farmer go camping and are surprised by a bear. Secret Woods
3917600 Set-up for Emily's 14 heart event: she asks the farmer to bring her 200 pieces of fiber for a secret project. Farm
3917601 Emily's 14 heart event: she gives the farmer a custom set of clothing that she's made for them. Farmhouse
992559 Emily gives the farmer access to her sewing machine for tailoring. A variation with the same ID plays when the farmer is married to Emily. Farm
150938 Completion of Emily's gemstone quest. Haley & Emily's House
19 Evelyn's 4 heart event: she bakes cookies for the farmer. Alex's House
5837189 Completion of Evelyn's leek quest. Alex's House
900553 Evelyn gives the farmer a garden pot and the crafting recipe for it. Farm
18 George's 6 heart event: he tells the farmer about his accident in the mines. Alex's House
5837189 Completion of Evelyn's leek quest. Alex's House
0 After donating an artifact, Gunther asks the farmer to donate any others they find. Museum
96 Gus's 4 heart event: he asks for help with getting Pam to pay her tab. Stardrop Saloon
980558 Gus's 5 heart event: he gives the farmer a Mini-Jukebox and the crafting recipe for it. Farm
3206194 Completion of Gus's egg quest. Stardrop Saloon
11 Haley's 2 heart event: she and Emily argue over cleaning under the couch cushions. Haley & Emily's House
12 Haley's 4 heart event: she has trouble opening a jar of pickles. Haley & Emily's House
13 Haley's 6 heart event: the farmerhelps her find a lost bracelet. Beach
14 Haley's 8 heart event: she visits Marnie's ranch and takes photos of the cows. Cindersap Forest
15 Haley's 10 heart event: she invites the farmer to see her dark room. Haley & Emily's House
6184643 Set-up for Haley's 14 heart event (part 1): she overhears Jas, Vincent, and Penny talking about how their old schoolbooks are falling apart. Town
8675611 Set-up for Haley's 14 heart event (part 2): she tells the farmer about the cakewalk, when & where to meet, and to bring a cake. Farmhouse
6184644 Haley's 14 heart event: she successfully hosts a cakewalk to raise money for Penny and the children. Town
56 Harvey's 2 heart event: he advises George on his health. Alex's House
57 Harvey's 4 heart event: he gives the farmer a medical examination and takes their pulse. Clinic
58 Harvey's 6 heart event: he joins the aerobics club for exercise. Pierre's General Store
571102 Harvey's 8 heart event: he contacts a pilot on his radio. Clinic
528052 Harvey's 10 heart event: he faces his fear and takes the farmer on a hot air balloon. Railroad
3917626 Harvey's 14 heart event: he prepares a home-cooked dinner for the farmer. Farmhouse
318560 Jas and Vincent explore the sewer entrance. Cindersap Forest
3910979 Jas and Vincent pick spring onions. Cindersap Forest
93 Jodi asks the farmer to bring a largemouth bass for dinner. Farm
94 Completion of Jodi's largemouth bass quest. Sam's House
95 Completion of Jodi's largemouth bass quest. Variation if Kent has returned. Sam's House
63 Kent returns to the valley and introduces himself to the farmer. Farm
100 Kent's 3 heart event: he has a flashback to Gotoro when Jodi makes popcorn. Sam's House
7771191 Krobus's 14 heart event: he goes for a ride with a sea monster. Beach
50 Leah's 2 heart event: she shows the farmer her sculptures. Leah's House
51 Leah's 4 heart event: she tells the farmer about Kel and asks whether she should have an art show or an internet shop. Leah's House
52 Leah's 6 heart event: the farmer catches her falling from a tree. Cindersap Forest
992253 Leah's 6 heart event: she gives the farmer a sculpture she made for them. Farm
55 Set-up for Leah's 8 heart event (art show): she tells the farmer about the art show and when & where to meet. Farm
53 Leah's 8 heart event (art show): she hosts her art show in the town square. Town
584059 Leah's 8 heart event (internet shop): the internet shop is a big success thanks to 'Mr K'. Leah's House
54 Leah's 10 heart event: she and the farmer have a picnic which is interrupted by Kel. Cindersap Forest
3911124 Set-up for Leah's 14 heart event: she tells the farmer about the painting session and when & where to meet. Farm
3091462 Leah's 14 heart event: she and the farmer paint Marnie's portrait. Cindersap Forest
60367 Part of the introduction event. After the farmer arrives in Pelican Town, Robin and Lewis show them to their new farmhouse. Bus Stop
639373 Lewis and Marnie's 6 heart event: the farmer finds out about their secret relationship. Town
15389722 Lewis and Robin reveal the special orders board. Town
502969 Linus's 1 heart event: he goes looking for food in George's trash can and asks the farmer if it's wrong. Town
26 Linus's 4 heart event: he teaches the farmer to make wild bait. Mountain
371652 Linus's 8 heart event: Robin offers to build him a house and he explains his philosophy on life. Mountain
8357109 Completion of Linus's trash quest.
100162 Marlon introduces himself and gives the farmer a sword. Mines
690006 Marlon gives the farmer a slime egg and tells them about slime breeding. Farm
639373 Lewis and Marnie's 6 heart event: the farmer finds out about their secret relationship. Town
1590166 Marnie asks the farmer if they'd like to adopt a cat. Farm
897405 Marnie asks the farmer if they'd like to adopt a dog. Farm
91 Marnie asks the farmer to bring a cave carrot for her goats. Farm
92 Completion of Marnie's cave carrot quest. Marnie's Ranch
6 Maru's 2 heart event: she helps Demetrius with testing some samples. Robin's Carpentry Shop
7 Maru's 4 heart event: she accidentally breaks a medical sample. Clinic
8 Maru's 6 heart event: she goes stargazing with her telescope. Mountain
9 Maru's 8 heart event: she demonstrates her latest project and accidentally zaps the farmer. Robin's Carpentry Shop
10 Maru's 10 heart event: she finishes her work on MarILDA, who leaves for space. Robin's Carpentry Shop
3917666 Set-up for Maru's 14 heart event: she tells the farmer about the comet and when & where to meet. Farm
5183338 Maru's 14 heart event: she watches the comet with the farmer. Mountain
3102768 Morris offers 50% off coupons to steal Pierre's customers. Pierre's General Store
502261 Morris gives a speech about how Joja has revitalised the town. Town
503180 Pam's 9 heart event: she shows the farmer her Sign of the Vessel statue and talks about happiness. Pam & Penny's House
36 Completion of Pam's potato juice quest. Pam & Penny's Trailer
611173 Completion of Pam and Penny's house upgrade. Town
611173 Completion of Pam and Penny's house upgrade. A variation with the same ID plays when the farmer is married to Penny. Town
34 Penny's 2 heart event: she tries to help George reach the mail by getting it for him. Town
35 Penny's 4 heart event: she and the farmer clean the trailer and Pam argues with her about it. Pam & Penny's Trailer
36 Penny's 6 heart event: she tries cooking for the farmer. Pam & Penny's Trailer
181928 Penny's 8 heart event: she asks the farmer to be a guest speaker for the children's field trip. Cindersap Forest
38 Penny's 10 heart event: she asks the farmer to come swimming with her in the spa pool at night. Spa Pool
4325434 Set-up for Penny's 14 heart event: she tells the farmer about her plans to remodel the bedroom and asks what style they like. Farmhouse
4324303 Penny's 14 heart event: she remodels the farmhouse's bedroom. Farmhouse
611173 Completion of Pam and Penny's house upgrade. Town
611173 Completion of Pam and Penny's house upgrade. A variation with the same ID plays when the farmer is married to Penny. Town
16 Pierre's 6 heart event: the farmer discovers Pierre's secret stash. Pierre's General Store
102 Pierre tells the farmer he'll be selling new seeds in Year 2. Farm
963113 Completion of Pierre's gold-quality vegetables quest. Pierre's General Store
191393 Pierre rallies the town to drive out Morris and JojaMart. Town
33 Robin's 6 heart event: she teaches the farmer how to make a flute block and drum block. Robin's Carpentry Shop
1053978 Completion of Robin's hardwood quest. Robin's Carpentry Shop
60367 Part of the introduction event. After the farmer arrives in Pelican Town, Robin and Lewis show them to their new farmhouse. Bus Stop
15389722 Lewis and Robin reveal the special orders board. Town
44 Sam's 2 heart event: he plays music with the band and asks the farmer what sort of music they like. Sam's House
733330 Sam's 3 heart event: in Year 1, he and Vincent discuss Kent's return and the situation in Gotoro. Beach
46 Sam's 4 heart event: he drops an egg in the process of making a snack. Sam's House
45 Sam's 6 heart event: he skateboards outside Emily and Haley's house and argues with Lewis about it. Town
47 Set-up for Sam's 8 heart event: he tells the farmer about the gig and when & where to meet. Farm
4081148 Sam's 8 heart event: he, Abigail, Sebastian, and the farmer head into Zuzu City to play a gig. Bus Stop
233104 Sam's 10 heart event: he and the farmer sneak into his room. Town
3918600 Sam's 14 heart event (part 1): he tells the farmer he's going to look for a job with music. Farmhouse
3918601 Sam's 14 heart event (part 2): he receives a job offer for a children's TV show composer. Farmhouse
3918602 Sam's 14 heart event (part 3): he comes around to the idea of doing kids' music. Farmhouse
3918603 Sam's 14 heart event (part 4): he, Jas, and Vincent watch the show with his music. Farmhouse
67 Sandy welcomes the farmer and celebrates the bus line running again. Oasis
2794460 Sebastian's 2 heart event: Robin interrupts him while he's programming. Sebastian's Room
384883 Sebastian's 4 heart event: he works on his motorbike in the garage. Mountain
27 Sebastian's 6 heart event: he and Sam invite the farmer to play Solarion Chronicles with them. Sebastian's Room
29 Sebastian's 8 heart event: he invites the farmer to stand under his umbrella on the dock. Beach
384882 Sebastian's 10 heart event: he takes the farmer on his motorbike to see Zuzu City in the distance. Mountain
9333219 Mountain Sebastian's 14 heart event (part 1): he catches an injured frog with the farmer's help.
9333220 Sebastian's 14 heart event (part 2): he shows the farmer the frog terrarium he set up. Farmhouse
611944 Shane's 2 heart event: he offers the farmer a drink while sitting on the lake dock. Cindersap Forest
3910674 Shane's 4 heart event: he's passed out in his room and is found by Marnie and the farmer. Marnie's Ranch
3910975 Shane's 6 heart event: he has a breakdown on the cliff's edge. Cindersap Forest
2118991 Follow-up to Shane's 6 heart event: he apologises for what happened and tells the farmer he's started therapy. Farm
3910974 Shane's 7 heart event: he's cut back on beer and buys Jas the bunny-jewel slippers. Marnie's Ranch
831125 Shane's 7 heart event: with Emily and Clint's help, he films an ad for Joja Bluu. Town
3900074 Shane's 8 heart event: he shows the farmer his blue chickens. Marnie's Ranch
2128292 Set-up for Shane's 10 heart event: he tells the farmer about the gridball game and when & where to meet. Farm
9581348 Shane's 10 heart event: he invites the farmer to come watch a gridball game with him. Bus Stop
3917584 Shane's 14 heart event (part 1): he comes out of the saloon and Marnie and Jas are suspicious of his behaviour. Town
3917585 Shane's 14 heart event (part 2): he comes out of the saloon again and the farmer asks him if he's been drinking. Town
3917586 Shane's 14 heart event (part 3): he reveals that he's been playing at the arcade frequently and drinking Joja Cola. Town
318560 Jas and Vincent explore the sewer entrance. Cindersap Forest
3910979 Jas and Vincent pick spring onions. Cindersap Forest
739330 Willy's introduction event where he gives the farmer a fishing rod. Beach
711130 Willy's 6 heart event: his shop is overrun by crabs and Gus purchases them. Beach
3131209 Completion of Willy's bug meat quest. Beach
404798 Willy gives the farmer the copper pan. Mountain
9348571 Willy shows the farmer his broken boat and asks if they'd like to help repair it. Willy's Boat
112 The Wizard teaches the farmer about junimos and gives them the forest potion. Wizard's Tower
529952 The Wizard tells the farmer about his ex-wife and asks them to get magic ink for him. Railroad
418172 Completion of the Wizard's magic ink quest. Wizard's Tower