Modding Badges

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What are these?

Badges! Put them on your user profile, show them off to your friends, turn them into embroidery patterns and make yourself a modding sash - it's up to you! Collect 10 and you learn the secret modding handshake. ;)

There are many different badges to claim. Some are to celebrate your success at learning to do a new thing, and some are about common modding mistakes and exist to remind you that you're not stupid, these are things that happen to all modders. These badges are also a gift to the modding community and I hope you will all have fun collecting them, comparing your collections, and coming up with new badges to add to the list.

How do I get one?

They work however you want them to work. I most suggest that when someone is getting down on themselves for missing a comma, you give them a badge, and if someone achieves something but doesn't think it's cool (like making their first CP mod or getting their first endorsement), you award them a badge. But these are for the community to use as they will, provided you're not somehow mean.

You're also welcome to collect as many as you like, and eventually build yourself a little fort out of missed-comma badges.

Who made these, also can I make one?

The original modding badges concept are the brainchild of CopperSun (who also started this wiki). Some of the first art was created by CopperSun and Airyn, with another bunch made by Asterisk555. I haven't finished adding credits at this stage but if you (the reader) ever feel like making a badge feel free to credit yourself in the table below and say which badge you made, you can also put in a note to say you're working on the art for a badge. Like everything else on this wiki making contributions is encouraged! We have a page on Making a Modding Badge and it always fun to discuss ideas (for this and other things) on the Stardew Modding Discord or in the official Stardew Valley Discord's modding channels.

Badge Art Created by
Submitted a Pull Request

Had a Pull Request Accepted

Received your first Pull Request



Added mobile compatibility




Code misspell.png
Moddingbadge-code draft1.png
Missed a comma Forgot to close a brace Misspelled crucial object name Code worked on the first try
Modding Badge for submitting a pull request.png
Modding Badge Had a Pull Request Accepted.png
Code herring.png
[image needed]
Submitted a Pull Request Had a Pull Request Accepted Hours debugging the wrong thing Successfully used Harmony
Code scopecreep.png
Code applefish.png
File:Modding Badge for Code crashed and I don't know why.png
Attacked by the scope creep Solved a different problem

from the one you were trying to solve

Code crashed and I don't know why Filled the console with red text
[image needed] [image needed] [image needed] [image needed]
Consistently formatted

variable names

broke convention and used

camel case for some things

but also followed convention

and used capitalized method


Successfully edited audio Wondered why mod wasn't

working, realized mod wasn't


Modding Badge for when you receive your first pull request.png
Received your first Pull Request

Frameworks & Programs

Frame CP.png
Frame JA.png
Frame tiled.png
[image needed]
Content Patcher Json Assets Tiled Harmony
[image needed] [image needed] [image needed] [image needed]
Quest Framework Shop Tile Framework TMXL Custom Companions
AT Modding Badge.png
Alternative Textures


Pub upload.png
a circular icon with an orange outline, the center of which shows an embarrassed blushing pufferfish
Pub kudos.png
a circular icon with an orange outline, the center of which shows a download icon with the number 100 above it
Released a mod Published w/embarrassing typos Received an endorsement 100 downloads
Pub bugnotif.png
Pub bugfix.png
Pub hot.png
a circular icon with an orange outline, the center of which shows a download icon with the number 1,000 above it
Received a bug report Fixed a reported bug Hot Mod List 1,000 downloads
Pub svecompat.png
[image needed]
a circular icon with an orange outline, the center of which shows a smart phone with a heart in the center of its screen
Pub trans.png
Added SVE compatibility Added 64-bit compatibility Added mobile compatibility Translation request
Pub svecompquest.png
[image needed]
a circular icon with an orange outline, the center of which shows a green junimo dressed like a pirate, with a black eyepatch over one eye and a hook for an arm
[image needed]
Asked if your mod works with SVE Forgot to update your manifest Unauthorized spinoff of your mod released Feature request from user
Modding Badge No.png
Schrodinger's bug modding badge
Set boundaries with users Schrodinger's Bug

(received a bug report with too

few details to know if it's a bug)


Wiki edit 1.2.png
[image needed]
Wiki write 1.2.png
Wiki template.png
Edited a wiki page Created a new wiki page Wrote a tutorial Created a template
[image needed] [image needed] [image needed] [image needed]


Com bug.png
Badge discord dorito.svg
[image needed]
Badge pathos ping.svg
Helped debug someone

else's code

Discord Dorito Collaborated on a mod Pinged Pathos with an obvious question/error
Com duck.png
Served as a rubber duck