Recommendations: Lemurkat's Top NPC Picks

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I've taken it upon myself to make a list of my (current) favourite additional NPCs to add to add to Stardew Valley.

To determine this list, I am taking into account the following criteria:

  • Story Arc: Does this character have an engaging and interesting story arc that will either lead to growth or development as a character?
  • Creativity: Do they bring something new and interesting to the valley?
  • Engagement: Do they engage my interest and that of my farmer character?
  • Visuals: How appealing are the graphics/maps etc?
  • Vanilla Immersion: How well do they blend in with the vanilla/my aesthetic for Stardew Valley?

Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion. Your feelings may vary. Subject to change as I explore NPC's storylines better, or new characters come along.

I have created a number of NPCs of my own. They will not be included here.

Lyell (Created by FellowClown)



Lyell is a introverted older man from the Gortoro Empire.  After being discharged from the Ferngill military. having joined after his immigration, he has decided to settle in Pelican town, making a small self sufficient farm for himself. Lyell loves animals and is generally well mannered. But while he works towards living a normal life. He has secrets that he's been keeping from everyone around him.

FellowClown NPCs are always extremely detailed, with complicated storylines and development. Lyell is his longest-running and most in-depth NPC. He has numerous heart events, a great deal of dialogue, and much more besides. At first he isn't the friendliest of people, but with time he will warm to you.

Lunna Astray (Created by Rafseazz)



The main focus of this mod is Lunna, a girl with a secret past and claims to not come originally from our land but instead from a place called Umuwi. She is also under the care and supervision of M. Rasmodius the Wizard!

Find out about her secret through romance events all laid out to convey a story with which one can be immersed!

Along with the story, You can also meet Bianka and Raphael!

Before Ridgeside Valley, Raf created Lunna Astray: a complex mod including three new maps to explore and its own unique fish, forage and crops. It also includes several characters, including Lunna, mysterious and - yes - rather a sweet and enthusiastic character.

Juna (Created by Elhvry)



Juna is an adult (?), aromantic (so no, not datable), devious, ballet-loving woman with a strange past and a penchant for dramatics. She absolutely abhors walks on the beach, loves going outside in the rain without an umbrella, considers Robin the light of her life, rarely wears shoes, doesn't really get fishing or sincerity or picnics, and takes an inordinate amount of pleasure in tormenting the Wizard.

I have found Juna to be an absolute delight. You can never be sure what might come out of her mouth, or what she may do next. She's absolutely incorrigible and has dedicated her life to irritating the Wizard.

She is illustrated by the lovely Hime and has numerous outfits and expressions.

Cons: Might be a little too quirky for some players.

Lucikiel (Created by Arknir)



Lucikiel is a power-driven demon sealed away by the Guardians of the Valley. After being released from his artifact, he binds a powerful contract with a fearful Clint. He collects ore for the Blacksmith and exterminates monsters from the Mines in exchange for a place to recuperate. He has long since lived a life of destruction, biding time to enact his timeless revenge. Will you help him find his heart? Or will he fall victim to his own darkness?

At first I was wary of Lucikiel, as he is taken from an anime show I have never seen. However, not only are you treated to impressive cinematic heart events, but Lucikiel has a wicked, sardonic sense of humour and isn't necessarily on the right side of "good". This mod also adds much needed character development to Clint.

Cons: Some of the events are long and this may not work well in multiplayer.

Aspen (Created by Invatorzen)



Meet Aspen, a new NPC who lives on her own farm west of the railroads! She got screwed over with Joja's accident (as the rockfall is described in Stardew Valley Expanded), preventing her from going home until they clear the path! Fortunately for her, Gus was nice enough to let her stay at the Saloon until then.

After early summer, Aspen returns to her charming farm above the railroad.

She's an adorable character, with absolutely delightful graphics and a fun, lively personality. I've only seen one of her events, and it was very cute.

Cons: Appears to be designed with SVE compatibility in mind, and I loaded her late in the game, post perfection, and now find a new boulder blocking my summit path.

Herbert (Created by Watchful Tigerlily)

(Not currently available)

Herbert, sometimes known as “Bertie” is a polite, gentlemanly character, who attends the private boarding school known as Vanedale Prep. As a child, Herbert would spend his summers in Pelican Town with his grandfather, Lewis. However, this new resident’s stay in Pelican Town will be much longer than a summer visit, as his school (funded by Joja) has recently been temporarily closed until further notice. This means Herbert won’t be going anywhere any time soon – not to his knowledge anyways. You’ll probably catch Herbert in the library picking out new books.

Herbert winds for being one of the most interesting NPCs I've added. He's a preppy, posh young man, with a bit of a pretentious attitude - which can at times drive you to distraction - but I appreciate him because he adds a spot of difference to the custom NPC genres. He also has a strong story arc and experiences some real character growth - unfortunately, due to his creator skipping out on him - he has yet to reach his storyline's culmination.

Cons: unavailable except through dubious sites and story arc incomplete.