Recommendations by Ch0opera: A Few Good Mods

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▷ Did you ask if there are any good mods in the SDV Discord and they sent you off with a link to the mod recs page?
(Yeah, cuz that's a silly question.)

▷ Anyway, here are a few good mods. (There are 24 mod recs listed here if you're counting!)

~ = context tags
= complementary mods and/or playstyles

Vibing Fish – a small CP mod that edits the fish pond dialogue to reflect more modern sensibilities (i.e. gen-z slang).
It's amusing and refreshing to see such prompts as: You wanna yeet the fish? Okay, farmer.

~ fish ponds/ dialogue/ humor
Pairs well with Pond Painter, More New Fish

screenshot of in-game fish pond menu showing VF's dialogue edits: "The fish seem to be vibing"
3/3 crabs in the pond - they seem to be vibing indeed!

Monster Chef – it's apparently based on a popular cooking game that I've never played. Adds a ton of recipes, a few OP crops, and two new fish! The descriptions of the dishes are ludicrously long (not very compatible with LoC's cooking menu) but nonetheless interesting.

Note: It may require some light editing for grammar depending on how picky you are and there are two recipe names that conflict with other PPJA recipe mods (easily fixed - just rename the recipes!).

~ cooking/ crops/ fishing/ based on content from other games
Pairs well with hungry farmers & Market Day

image of a cartoonish octopus with four eyes and human-like teeth grinning at the viewer while holding a small chef's hat in one of its tentacles
"My dream is to become the best monster chef in the world!"..."People without dreams might laugh, but I know my dream will take me to infinity and beyond!"

Cookie Clicker Suite – this mod is awesome. It's another one based on a popular game I've never played but it's packed with content. New crops, recipes, furniture, weapons, dialogue, fish, mining stuff, forage, much content! And it's got some fun later-unlock stuff to discover as well.

[Admittedly, the mod page itself is very sparse on details and documentation, but if you look deeper you may find it as enjoyable as I have.]

~ fish/ miscellaneous/ based on content from other games
Pairs well with Custom Gift Dialogue, Baker's Life, If You Give a Hat Mouse a Cookie

a very wrinkly, pixelated grandma figure with glowing red eyes and no teeth balks at the viewer on the left side of the image; on the right, a giant chocolate chip cookie is surrounded by a ring pointing-hand cursors
Collage of Cookie Clicker art featuring a wrinkly old grandma and the eponymous cookie & clickers o.O

Fancy Clocks – compatible with many UI mods (tho I've just used Earthy Interface so far).
Beautify your clock. (From the maker of the wonderful Trinkets mod!)

~ UI retexture/ aesthetic
Pairs well with Earthy Interface, Vintage Interface

An example of some of the Fancy Clocks - ft. dark/light variants with vintage, ornate clock hands in gold and bronze

Moolah – its main selling point for me: commas in the money! Now I can quickly read how much gold I've got without straining to count out the ones-tens-hundreds places like a first grader.

It also does some cool stuff with code and "big integer" that allows you to surpass the base game's 2-billion limit (for all the insane capitalists and/or mathematicians out there).

~ UI/ game mechanics/ accessibility
Pairs well with $$$

Moolah Money Mod allows your farmer to override the game's 2-billion limit and amass more gold than one could ever possibly count in this lifetime

Into the Game (Save Loaded Notifier)– a simple sanity saver. Walk away during the game loading process carefree.
It'll pause the game till you return, preventing any accidental oversleeping. It'll also alert you with a fun game-time whistle sound when it's time to play!

Note: Only applies to the first game load, not consecutive in-game days.

~ game mechanics/ quality of life
Pairs well with ADHD, slow-loading games, impatient farmers

an image of an old-school alarm clock superimposed over the night time SdV mountain background
Start the day right with a built-in alarm-clock-time-pauser!

No Ugly Shoes – it's quite self-explanatory.
A simple little CP mod that edits the base game shoes to be less garish and more aesthetically pleasing.

~ fashion/ retexture/ aesthetic
Pairs well with pretty much all clothing (it's a neutral brown palette and you can't really see the shoes on the farmer's feet anyway!)

image of retextured SdV boots to look more aesthetically pleasing in nice neutral brown tones
Where'd the Ugly Shoes go?! They're not here!

Temmie Boots – if you are into ugly shoes, however, I also recommend this little mod. It changes the appearance of the base game Sneakers to something considerably more unsightly (based on Temmie Armor from Undertale – yet another game I've never played before!).
These goofy boots also come with highly OP stats for defense and immunity. Function over form, I guess.

~ fashion/ retexture/ anti-aesthetic/ high-stats footwear/ based on content from other games
Pairs well with farmers who go hard in Mining & Combat

an image of a hideous boot made to represent the Undertale character Temmie Armor
Look at these monstrosities - but behold their unique powers! ~

Dragon Pearl Lure – for more combat defense, try out the art of diversion with this creative projectile!
It will distract those pesky flying serpents, allowing you to better focus on mining and staying alive in the Skull Cavern.

~ weapons/ mining/ Chinese Lunar New Year
Pairs well with Fireworks Festival (for more innovative explosives fun!)

an image of a curiously reckless farmer igniting the Dragon Pearl Lure smoke bombs inside their house
It's probably fine to let these off in the farmhouse...

Dark Skull Cavern – and while you're at it, you might as well make the SC environment look more appealing (and less yellow) with this retexture mod. The dark and spooky palette is much more relaxing, believe it or not.

~ map retexture/ improved cave ambiance/ Skull Cavern
Pairs well with Skull Cavern Elevator, Overgrown Skeletons & Pink Monsters, Slightly Recolored Volcano, Dragon tooth and bones redesign

image of a farmer standing at the inner entrance of Skull Cavern retextured in a soothing dark palette
~Embrace the darkness!