User:Tiakall/You Have Three Years/Part 2

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Towns Exploration

The next morning, it was raining.

And for some reason my sleeves had grown.

I chopped my way through more of the farm for a couple of hours, until I realized that doing this in the rain really sucked. Time to go see what this 'Pelican Town' was about. Plus, I was almost out of snacks.

Immediately outside my farm, there's Lewis talking to this lady....

I kinda like her already.
My grandfather died when I was six, Lewis. He told me his deathbed regrets.
With money. I believe that's how these things are usually done.

I wandered around town, introducing myself to whoever else was dumb enough to wander around in the rain. Occasionally I'd just invite myself in through the front door and try to keep my dripping on the rug. Does no one in this place lock their doors?

Man, I bet all the middle-aged ladies think you're adorable, huh?
You're so TINY. Can I put you on my shoulder and carry you like a parrot?

On the other side of the river, I spotted my old nemesis--a Jojamart.

Because there's always a fucking Jojamart.

Well, if there's a capitalist overlord in the room, I want to know where it is, so I walked in and braced myself. I couldn't quite have expected what I found, though.

Gotta be real, I was expecting a chubby white dude.

This nice girl had a warning for me.

Oh good, I wouldn't want to stick out or anything.
And, uh, don't mind me, tent caveperson.

I had time, so I looped around to the town on the other side of the ridge, Ridgeside (imagine that.) The first house I brazenly invited myself into, I apparently interrupted something between Lenny and her tabletop girl....

Don't mind me.
Found the designated town hottie.

Before I knew it, the sun had gone down. Oh. Shit. I quickly returned home, wondering how many feral bats or weird zombie things were going to come after me, but none did. Maybe it was just a one-time thing?

I also met a cat.

Previous: Arrival and the First Two Days || Next: What the F***, Grandpa